ENSC 412 Check points:

AP history AP / industrial rev. AP / auto AP meas.
6 gas AP classes particle sources particle sizes sinks / nat. sources
receptors AP scales primary secondary
atmos composition atmos layers ambient levels indoor / outdoor
ambient cycles anthrop. sources combustion mobile sources
stationary sources emission inventory AQ objectives averaging time
NAAQO Pulpmill sources Oil refinery sources health impacts
AP control control efficiency control methods BACT
filters ESP impaction cyclones
inertial scrubbers adsorption absorption
condensation conversion auto controls cyclone
AP health effects AP veg impacts epidemiology toxicology
clinical studies AP economics materials effects oxidation
photochemical air sampling active sampling passive / static
sampler charact. continuous gas sampling particulate samp.
diffusion permeation AQ analysis NDIR
chemiluminescence HI-VOL TEOM transport
transform disperse ventilation stagnation
stability turbidity sedimentation transformation
dry deposition wet deposition washout rainout
mixing height stability plume stretching plume types
turbulence GPM Briggs $ \sigma_{y}^{}$,$ \sigma_{z}^{}$
stability class puff models box models gradient trans. mod.
trajectory models mesoscale / LPDM complex terrain circulations
episode mgmt dispersion instr. plume rise downwash
regulatory control precautionary prin. prevention polluter pay
command & control economic policies land-use education
laws regulations subsidies remote sensing
Canada-wide stndrds LIDAR speciation Spec Waste Reg
Env Mgmt Act Health Act Zoning Airshed
Ecosystem approach Airshed planning    

Final exam format and example questions:

The exam is out of 30 marks and is designed to fit in two hours but there is a 3 hour time block. It is closed book. Time should not be a limiting factor. You will answer on the exam sheets. There will be three multi-part questions:
  1. 5 ``define and explain in the context of this course'' (e.g. words from above list). (10 marks)
  2. 5 part short answer questions may include a figure (10 marks)
  3. choose 2 essay questions from a list (e.g. discuss how stability is evaluated in the atmosphere for dispersion models, or a topic covered by one of the guest speakers) (5 marks each, 10 marks total). The essays will be limited to two pages each.

Copyright © 2023 by Peter L. Jackson