Station Information
- Latitude: 53° 53' 36.1595" N
- Longitude: 122° 48' 52.0405" W
- Ground elevation: ~761m ASL
- Barometer elevation: 781.352m ASL (0.08m standard deviation)
- Roof elevation: ~784m ASL
View of the station looking south
The station is located at the north end of UNBC's Research Laboratory Building roof. The station consists of two masts (10m and 3m) - both are visible on top of the building on the right of the image.
View of the station looking west
The 10m mast on the left holds:
- RM Young 05103 Wind monitor
- Kipp & Zonen NR-Lite Net Radiometer
- 107F Thermistor Temperature Probe (at about 7m)
The 3m tripod on the right holds:
- Kipp & Zonen CG1 Pyrgeometer (incoming longwave radiation)
- Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer (model PSP) (incoming solar radiation)
- Vaisailla HMP 45C212 Temperature / Relative Humidity Probe
There is a CS105 Barometer located in the room immediately below the rooftop station.