Peter L. Jackson, PhD

Current Research

Personal and ambient exposure to PM2.5 in the Prince George Airshed
With Melanie Noullett (MSc candidate) we are using personal exposure monitors to measure both outdoor and personal exposure of school children to PM2.5 in Prince George, B.C. The field phase of the study was completed in mid-March 2001, and we are presently analysing the samples.

Gap flows (North Foehn) in the Eisack valley during MAP
I participated in the Special Observing Period of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP) in Innsbruck Austria between August and December 1999. I deployed a new Scintec FAS64 Doppler Sodar system and three surface stations near Sachsenklemme in the Eisack Valley, South Tirol Italy, in order to observe hydraulic-like flow conditions during north Foehn events. Click here to see some images of the work there.

Numerical Modelling of Coastal Trapped Disturbances
Utilizing a 3D mesoscale numerical atmospheric model - RAMS - we are simulating both realistic and idealized examples of CTDs with the eventual aim of understanding the effects of boundary conditions and complex coastal terrain on CTD propagation. With Dr. C. Reason (University of Melbourne), Dr. S. Guan (PDF, formerly UNBC), Dr. Kevin Tory (PDF, formerly UNBC), H. Fu (MSc, formerly UNBC), this work is funded by the US ONR, and AES/NSERC.

Wind Throw Prone Areas in the McGregor Model Forest
Analysis of existing data, collection of new data from a network of five weather stations, and numerical modelling using CSU RAMS are being applied to assess areas in the MMF prone to wind throw (trees knocked down by strong wind events). With B. Murphy (MSc, UNBC), this work was being funded by the Mcgregor Model Forest Association.

Transport and Dispersion of Pollutants in Valleys
A Doppler Sodar system in Prince George, mesoscale numerical modelling using RAMS, modelling using Calmet/Calpuf, and synoptic climatology methods, are being used to characterize air pollution episodes in central BC valleys. With P. Willis (MSc, UNBC), B. McEwen (MSc, UNBC) and M. Noullett (MSc, UNBC) the eventual aim of this work is to provide guidance for managers in air quality monitoring, land use planning, and in managing air pollution episodes.

Satellite Imagery Characterization of Explosive Marine Cyclogenesis
Statistical analysis of geostationary satellite imagery is being used to characterize marine "bombs" with the goal of developing automatic forecasting algorithms for early detection of these storms. With B. Pierce (MSc, UNBC), this work is funded by AES/NSERC.

Beaufort Sea Coastal Trapped Disturbances
An observational program utilizing four pressure and temperature sensors deployed between Shingle Point, Komakuk Beach, and Old Crow Yukon, and Pump 2 south of Prudhoe Bay Alaska, was mounted in 1994-95. The aim is to determine whether or not coastal trapped disturbances occur in the region. With C. Kubu (MSc, UWO) this work is funded by AES. For more information see the BASE home page.

Climatology of UVB radiation in Canada
Data collected by The Weather Network's national network of 24 broad-band Ultra-Violet B sensors has been analysed. Spatial extent and causes of a very high UVB episode are discussed and the broadband sensors are validated by comparison with a Brewer spectrophotometer. With H. Krzeminska (MSc, UWO) and R. Lowe (UWO Physics), this work was partially funded by AES/NSERC.

Updated 2001.